Want better results from your coupon campaigns so you can get more customers? The smartest local business owners are adding smart coupons to enhance their coupon results. Let us help you generate more customers immediately with smarter coupons!
Traditional Old-fashioned, Outdated, Non-Useful, Print or Physical Coupons
Digital, Virtual, Mobile-Friendly Coupons that are INTELLIGENT!
Consumers can easily and conveniently redeem their coupons directly with your business and we can capture and track the transaction, event restricting coupons to only a single-use.
Everyone who requests your SMART COUPON must provide their NAME, EMAIL, and PHONE in order to claim the coupon. We capture all those people in a database for you to be able to reach out to with future promotions and offers.
When a customer redeems their Digital Smart Coupon at time of checkout, we collect total revenue generated from their transaction so you can easily calculate your return-on-investment from the coupons redeemed.
Stats by Valasis
Stats by Juniper Research
Stats by Globalnews Wire and Inmar
* Includes being showcased in the SanBrunoLocalDeals.com Digital Coupon Directory Site + Social Media Paid Ad Campaigns
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